
Features Overview

Dispatching & Scheduling

Dispatching is a key element in DSM. Deciding who can do which job and when is a difficult process. DSM will help by keeping worker information on hand and adding up the estimated hours of work. At any point in time you know exactly how much work there is and which workers are available. When you go to specify an operator to do a job, a filtered list of only qualified employees is presented. Along with the name, the skill level, number of jobs scheduled thus far, and total estimated hours of those jobs are shown. So you will be able to find the right person for the job quickly. DSM also makes it easy to swap operators when needed. You will be able to squeeze in those extra jobs you weren’t able to before and become more profitable. Simply put, DSM boosts productivity by making it easy to schedule and get more done through efficiency.

Customer Billing & Invoicing

Since customer billing and accounts receivable are usually done within DSM, the system knows the customer account balances. Therefore, it can warn you before someone enters a job for a company that is way overdue. If you allow access, dispatch can quickly access account information and view the invoices that are outstanding. You may also print copies of the invoices, fax, or email your customers a statement. When you use an automated system like DSM, viewing the customer’s order history is a snap, providing you with a list of all the quotes and jobs, along with all the details in regards to the specific quote or job. By using DSM, it becomes much easier to stay on track when everything is compiled and viewed through the DSM system.

Cash management is always important. So DSM helps you to manage your customer’s unpaid invoices. While DSM generates monthly statements, these letters pick up where the others left off. The collection letter screen provides a list for unpaid invoices over a set threshold. Simply select the customer to create the collection letter. If payment is not received after the first letter is sent, a second letter, and later a final demand letter can be produced. This system digitizes the process that so many companies manage by hand. It reduces the time to manage aging reports and collection letters from days to less than an hour and reduces burdensome calling time.

Truck & Equipment Maintenance

Like most companies, you have an enormous investment in trucks, saws, compressors, generators, etc. Keeping track of your trucks and equipment is important. DSM provides you tools to keep track of basic information on these items, giving you a simple way to keep inventory and know where it is located by assigning it to a truck and operator. Giving you a way to track the service history for your trucks and equipment and specify when the next service completed. This gives you a way to be sure your equipment is well maintained.

DSM provides reports about your inventory, including the maintenance and repair cost totals for each piece of equipment and when upcoming service for equipment is due. If you choose to create service records, DSM actually creates and produces service order tickets suitable to be given to your mechanics. Once completed, the details are entered into DSM accordingly. Service records contain the details of repair and maintenance work done in your shop. If the work is taken out of shop, use the outside vendor field. You enter the labor/hours worked, a shop rate, any parts you used and any outside vendor cost. DSM totals these numbers for you to track the total cost. To simplify the system, the service record processing is identical for trucks and equipment. The system can even track part usage and automate the reorder process for commonly used parts.

Bit & Blade Tracking

Diamond blades are an essential tool and are typically a major expense item. Improper use, poor selection, or inconsistent quality can impact your bottom line. DSM makes it easy and convenient to track blade footage. DSM logs the blade information including make, spec, cost, type, size, and which worker has it. Footage is entered at the job ticket level easily, quickly and efficiently. With minimal effort, you can have accurate footage logs to leverage your diamond purchasing. This alone can save you thousands per year.

Job Cost Profit & Loss

After the job is done, enter the job ticket information into DSM (DSM automatically tracks missing job tickets). DSM will help your business create and generate your invoices (what you will bill on the invoice), diamond blade usage (which blades you used and what the footage was) and worker time card information (who worked on the job and how long did it take). These three items create the invoice: timekeeping, blade wear analysis, and hourly revenue reports by man, work type, job costing, and more. Enter the data once and it flows through the system and generates the information you are looking for.

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders allow you to control costs. DSM provides a simple, yet powerful system for tracking orders and receipt of goods. With the purchase order system, it is easy to compare the price quoted to the price on the invoice. You also know how much you’ve already ordered to avoid potential cash flow crunches. Reorder points on both diamond blades and shop parts can be set, making it easy to place orders. A blade & part reorder screen allows you to build PO’s in seconds. DSM gives your business the ability to accomplish more in the same amount of time.

Bid Tracking

DSM provides you the ability to generate and store quotes, which are not yet jobs. You may also print professional quotes that can be sent right from the DSM to your customers. Best of all you can recall them at any time, on any computer, in no time at all.

Email Integration

DSM has the capabilities of using two methods to email. It can use the built in system, or can integrate with any MAPI compatible email client such as Microsoft® Outlook.

QuickBooks® Integration

DSM is known for its ability to help you manage your service business more efficiently, but now you can integrate QuickBooks® with DSM for the best of both worlds. The QuickBooks integration means no more manual entries from DSM into QuickBooks which will further increase productivity and eliminate data entry errors.

Document Manager

DSM allows you to store any documentation and pictures related to a customer or specific job. Utilizing the DSM document manager is like having an electronic filing cabinet at your finger tips.

Certified Payroll Processing

DSM can produce both the weekly (WH-347) and monthly (CC-257) reports.

AIA Billing

The AIA billing system is a standardized method of construction percentage of completion contract billing ie. Progress Billing, developed by the American Institute of Architects.

Reports Galore

DSM has all of the following reports.

 Missing Job Tickets
 Missing Job Tickets Report

 Dispatcher Reports
 Job Scheduling Worksheet
 Worker Availability
 Daily Job List by Worker
 Job Listing
 Job orders for a day
 Daily Job Summary

 Accounting Reports
      Received Payments Report
      Standard Report
      Payments by Salesman
      Invoice List Reports
      Invoice List
      Invoices by Salesman
      Invoices by County
 Sales By Product Codes
 Returned Checks List
 Credits Reports
 Adjustments Lists
 Sales Tax Report
 Transfer Report
 Customer Ledger
 Outstanding Invoice Snapshot
 Outstanding Balances
 Accounting Totals

 Job Reports
 Employee Job & Day Rates
 Job Rates By Type or County or Employee
 Job Rate Detail By Employee/County/Salesman
 Excluded Jobs
 Deleted Jobs Report
 Summary Of Orders Taken
 Utilization Report
 Comparason Of Estimated To Actual
 Summary List of Jobs/Costs/P&L
 Davis Bacon Scale Jobs
 Travel And Shop Time Analysis
 Job Cost Profit & Loss
 Job Site Profit & Loss
 Operator Profit & Loss
 Dumpster Bin Location Report

 Diamond Blade Reports
 Diamond Blade Inventory
 Diamond Blade Cost Analysis
 Diamond Blade Spec Cost Average
 Remaining Blade Life
 Blade Usage History
 Detailed Blade Usage By Month
 Received Blades
 Issued Blades
 Active Blade List
 Blade Valuation

 Sales Reports
 Phone Quotes
 Missing Sales Report
      Total vs. Target
      By Sales Man
      By Territory
 Job & Invoice Counts
 Top Sales Comparison
 New Customer Leads Report

 Job Ticket Totals
 JT Totals By Employee
 JT Totals By Company
 Employee JT Totals By Month
 Excluded Tickets
 Unbilled Job Tickets
 JT Work VS Invoice Date

 Time Card Reports
 Timecard Break Down Report
 Certified Weekly Report
 Certified Monthly Report
 Occupational Tax Report
 Workers Compensation
 Lost Time
 Missing Timecard Rates

 Purchase Order
 Outstanding PO Report
 Unconfirmed PO's
 PO's By Release Date
 Unreleased PO's

 Trucks & Equipment Reports
 Equipment & Diamonds By Truck
 List of All Trucks/Equipment
 Truck Mileage Report
 License and DOT Expiration
 Registration Expiration Report

 Service & Repairs
 Scheduled Service for Trucks & Equipment
 Service/Repairs/Costs by Truck or Equipment
 Service/Repairs/Costs by Operator

 Parts Inventory Reports
 Parts Listing
 Part Inventory Transactions
 Blade/Part Reminder Report
 Parts Used By Operator

 Table Reports
 Counties List
 Job Sites List
 Product List
 Terms List
 Work Groups and Types List
 Customer List
 New Customer List
 Customer File Labels
 GL Code List
 Holiday List
 Vendor List
 Employee List

 Daily Notes
 Daily Notes Report

DSM Mobile

The DSM Mobile app is a tool designed for field technician's smart phones, tablets and even PC's that will link real time information with DSM.

The DSM Mobile app is a tool designed for field technician's smart phones, tablets and even PC's that will link real time information with DSM.

Do I Need The Mobile App?

The mobile app allows your operators real time access to their jobs. So instead of having to send the jobs, once assigned in DSM, the operator can retrieve them in a nice format with all the pertinent job details. But the real reason is that they can send information back to your office directly into DSM.

Why Would I Want To Use The Mobile App?

If your goal is simply to send jobs to your operators, you can do that natively within DSM via text messages or emailing. Its available now and the simplest solution.

Examples & Features

What Phones Will Work?

The DSM Mobile app uses an HTML web app. This means that it will work on Androids, IPhones, IPads, tablets and even on a workers home pc if they don't have a phone. You can typically book mark DSM Mobile to your homepage so it launches just like any app and there is no cumbersome app to download.

Is It Secure?

The device itself is registered with DSM. The process is simple, a dispatcher authorizes a user to connect their device. Then the device and only that device is registered. They also have a password to login. Without first authorizing the device, other devices cannot connect, even if they have that user's password. You can withdraw connectivity just as easy from within DSM.

Will It Work When There Is No Data Service?

No, because it is an HTML based web application. The operator needs connectivity, however most areas today have at a minimum of 3G, which will work fine. If an operator does not have internet service, they simply need to enter their data when they regain service.

What Do I Need To Have?

The mobile app depends on tight connectivity with a web server which involves significant security configurations. For that reason, a customer is required to use the DSM Cloud by Peak Software to utilize the DSM Mobile app.

Can I Demo It?

Of course. The design of the mobile app allows us to set up a test simply and easily.

Does It Do GPS Tracking?

Phase II of the mobile app will do GPS tracking. Much of that work has already been done. It will incorporate installing a 3rd party app onto your phone. Downloading and installing that app costs approximately $8 per unit as a one-time fee. DSM's server will then pick up the data and provide you with complete truck tracking and total GPS integration. Adding this feature to DSM Mobile will add an additional $10 monthly fee, for a total of $20 per month per unit.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Automatic Backups & Updates

DSM simplifies backing up your valuable data to small compressed files for easy storage. More importantly it can monitor to make sure they are being done. If you use our Cloud Hosting service, all this tedious and but critical work is done for you each and every night.

In addition to backups, DSM makes distributing updates easy. When a new version of the software is installed, a copy is sent to the server where all the clients will automatically download and run it.

Dedicated Support

Although we accept emails and web support, we are fully staffed to answer your call and consider this our primary means of answering questions. Our friendly support technicians use state of the art remote control software if necessary to step you through any situation if a simple discussion is not enough. They are versed on all aspects of dispatch management.

Because we know that your success is critical, the cost of support is included in our customer care. There are no extra fees to talk to a person. Ever.