DSM Instructional – Understanding User Rights


These instructions cover USER RIGHTS within DSM

To access user rights in DSM, you MUST log in as the user SYSTEM.  No other user in DSM may edit the RIGHTS of a user within DSM.

Once logged in as SYSTEM, go to FILE > ADMINISTRATION > USER ADMINISTRATION as shown below.



Double click the user you wish to edit then select the SECURITY TAB BELOW.  You will see the following screen:


First, if in a multi-company configuration, select which sites the user in question has access to.  If they have ALL, then select ALL sites at the top.


Breakdown of OPTIONS:


Sites Users Can Access: Determines which sites / companies or division in which the user is activein.

Access is Same for All Sites:         Determines if separate security settings are saved for each site or if just one set is used for all sites meaning the user has the same rights in all sites.

Security For Site:                              Specifies the company you are setting rights for.  It is disabled if the access is the same for all sites.


Sales Options

New Order Without Review:      If checked the needs review checkbox is not checked when entering a new order.  Ideally only the dispatcher would have this checked and all other user’s new orders would have the needs review box check. When that box is checked, the order appears in a light purple color on the dispatch screen indicating a new job was entered by someone else.  The dispatcher than review the job and unchecks that box.

User Can View Any Order:           If not checked, users can only view the orders they entered.  It has been used by some customers to restrict the order view of salesman to their own jobs.  Most companies will check this box for everyone who has access to DSM thus allowing every to see all jobs (highly recommended)

User Can Close / Exclude Job:     This option allows a users to mark a job as closed or exclude a job for billing.  It is typically reserved for users who do billing.  The closed status generally means that all data has been entered for the job and it is ready for billing.

Move Jobs On Visual Schd:          This option applies to the 2nd tab on the Job Scheduling screen.  When checked, a user can drag drop a job to different users.  If not, it provides a view only interface however you can still double click and edit a job.  You would uncheck this option if you find users are accidently moving jobs (effectively reassigning them).

User Can Delete Jobs:                    When checked, a user can delete jobs which is done from the Job Order screen itself.  When deleting jobs DSM automatically prompts for a reason and an audit log tracks that action.  Typically if a job cancels, you should mark the job as cancelled rather than deleting it.  A good example of where deleting jobs is appropriate is when duplicate jobs have been created.

Customer Management

User Can Add Customers:            Unless this option is checked, a user cannot enter new customers into DSM.  They may enter jobs for existing users.  This option provides control for companies who have specific procedures with adding new customers.  For one time residential customers, companies typically create a COD client.

User Can Edit Customers:             Without this option, users cannot edit customers.  They also cannot add or remove contacts associated with the customer.  They can however edit the contact information.

User can Delete Customers:       This option allows you to delete customers.  DSM will not allow you to delete customers that have order and financial data associated with it.  In that case it will mark the customer as inactive instead.

View Access To Financial History:  This option gives a user access to view financial details of specific invoices, payments made etc.  This does not give them access to edit it.  With it a user can tell a customer what invoices are outstanding, print a statement, etc.  Without this option, only the 30/60/90 account information on the customer screen is available.

Add / Edit Contacts:                        This option gives a user access to Add and Edit Contacts.  It is not necessary if the user has Customer Edit Access.  It is useful when Edit access is not granted but they need customer access.  The  Foreman field on the order populates from this contact list so most people that enter jobs should have access to add / edit contacts.


Purchase Orders / Inventory

Add / Edit PO’s:                                This option grants access to Add and Edit Purchase Orders

Release / Approve PO’s:               This option grants access for a user to approve and release the PO.  This is used when companies want to have a manger approve a PO before it is printed and released to the vendor.

Add / Edit Parts:                               This option grants a user access to Add and Edit Parts referenced in the PO’s or manage in your inventory of assets. 

Delete Parts:                                      This option is required if you wish to delete a part.  It is strongly recommended that you inactivate a part rather than delete it.

 Adjust Inventory:                           This option is required to adjust inventory levels.  It is only applicable when you are tracking on-hand quantities of  part.

Financial Editing

Billing Access (JT Entry)                  This option is required to enter job ticket data.  All people who billable line items will need this.

Can Delete JT / Invoices:               This option allows you to control who may delete an invoice and or the Job Ticket itself.  Typically only top level billing people have this access level.

Timekeeping Entry:                         This level allows users to enter and create Job Tickets and enter only the timecard information.  They must enter that from the Timecard Entry screen (Action / Enter Timecards).

Access To Payroll Stubs:                This allows a user to access payroll stubs entered into to support certified payroll.  Unless you use certified payroll, this option does not apply.

Access To Credit Cards:                 This option allows you to see the full credit card numbers.  Without it only the type and last 4 digits are shown.  You do not need this option to enter in new credit cards.  And if you utilize a supported online gateway to process your credit card, a user does not need this access to process the credit card.  However if you manually enter card numbers into a terminal or external program, you will need this access.

Add/Edit Payments / Adj:            This option allows you to add or enter payments and or adjustments.  It also controls you ability to apply credit memos.  This is a key financial control in DSM.

Delete Payments:                            This option allows you to delete payments entirely.


Trucks / Equip / Service

Add / Edit Trucks:                             This option allows you to add and or edit Trucks and Vehicles.

Delete Trucks:                                   This option allows you to delete trucks. It is highly recommend you simply inactivate trucks which have been sold rather than delete them.

Add / Edit Equip:                              This option allows you to add and or edit Equip such as saws, compressors, generators, etc.

Delete Equip:                                     This option allows you to delete equip.  It is highly recommend you simply inactivate equip which has been sold or disposed of rather than delete it.

Add / Edit Service Records:          This option controls your abililty to add and/or edit Service records which are tied to either equipment or trucks.

Delete Service Records:                This option allows you to delete service records.

Add / Edit Service Intervals:        This allows you to edit the schedule for service intervals for Equipment and Trucks.  These intervals are the parameters for the Create Service Records screen which shows you which items need service and what services.

Add / Edit Diamond Blades:         This allows you to add or edit Diamond Blades .

Delete Diamond Blades:               This option allows you to delete Diamond Blades.  It is highly recommended that you inactive retired blades rather than delete them.


Access To Job Reports:                  This option gives you access to all the Job Reports (Reports / Job Reports)

Accounting Reports:                       This option gives you access to all the Financial Reports Including:
                Accounting Reports
                Sales Reports

Additional Report Access Is Controlled By The following:
- Missing Job Ticket Report – Open To All
- Dispatcher Reports – Open To All
- Timecard Reports – Timecard Entry Access or Billing Access
- Table Reports – Access To Table Maintenance
- Diamond Blades – Access To Add/ Edit Diamond Blades
- Trucks & Equipment – Access To Add/Enter Trucks  or Add / Enter Equipment
- Service Reports – Access To Add / Edit Service Records
-Inventory Control – Access To  Add / Edit Parts or Adjust Inventory

System Editing

Access To Table Maintenance:   This access rights gives you access to the majority of table maintenance items including:
                Job Sites
                Service / Maintenance
                Purchase Orders

General  is open to anyone with access to enter a job with out review. 

Trucks requires Truck Add / Edit Rights

Equipment requires Equip Add / Edit Rights

Human Resources On Dispatch Screen

Access To Daily Notes Current Day: When checked, you can only add / edit daily notes on the current day.  You cannot report on them nor browse through history.

Full Access To Daily Notes:           This option allows you full access to Daily Notes and it’s report.

Review Access To Off Work Codes:          This option allows you to see and review who is off for a given time period.  You maynot add or edit these entries.

Full Access To Off Work Codes:  This option allows you full access add and edit off work entries such as vacation, sick time, etc.


No Login Allowed:                           If checked, the user cannot login.  This is appropriate for field operators who need to be users in DSM for scheduling purposed but need no access to DSM itself.  This does not prevent a user from logging in via the DSM Mobile App which utilizes a separate login scheme.

Site Administrator:                          This provides a user with all user rights and access to specific operations such as adding users.  It is the highest level provided however note that a site admin can add users but not set the security.  On the user SYSTEM can do that.

                                                                Specific Items
- All Items Under File / Administration which include Company Configurations, System Configurations, User Maintenance and Application Updates
- User List Report
- Entry of Federal Tax ID # On Customer Screen (2nd Tab – More)