DSM Instructional – User Preferences


These instructions cover the user preferences in DSM.

Note:  User preferences are unique to each user that logs into the system.  Administrators CANNOT change a users’ preferences.  The settings here carry over to any computer a user logs into.

Go to File > User Preferences and you will see the following screen:


General Settings (F2)

Job Scheduling Screen Preferences:

The company to view defaults to ALL.  This allows the user to set which company to view when logged into the system.  In a multi company configuration, they can pick what they’d like to see.

Refresh screen every X seconds refers to the Scheduling (or Dispatch Screen).  It refreshes based on the number of seconds specified here.

Scheduling screen font size can be modified, pick small medium or large.  Medium is default.

Checking “Show Crew As Duplicate Jobs on Schedule Screen” will cause the system to show the main job with the primary operator as the worker with blank lines below it showing the helpers.  Double clicking the main job or any blank line the helper is assigned to will open that job.

Worker Schedule:

Showing the USER ID or Full name tells the scheduling screen what to display.  Check an option that works for you.

Checking “show address instead of job name” causes the scheduling screen to show what you choose here.

Checking “Show Crew As Duplicate Orders on Worker Schedule Screen” acts the same way as the prior option, except for the worker schedule tab on the scheduling screen.

Checking Make Screen Modal (foreground only) causes the system to allow you to resize certain screens.  By default, you do not need to check this box as most screens allow resizing to your desired size & position.

New Order Defaults:

Checking “default foreman to main contact” will cause your Foreman on the job to show up/be created as the Main contact when entering an order/job.  This is helpful because you don’t have to enter them again on the customer record.

Job Assignment Screen:

Checking “default to show all workers from all companies” will cause the system to show everyone from your user list (from ALL companies) to appear when assigning a worker to a job.  Note, you can override this option when assigning workers as well.

Checking “default to show all workers” will cause the system to show everyone from your user list (from only the respective company you’re in) to appear when assigning a worker to a job.  Note, you can override this option when assigning workers as well.

Job Order Printing Preferences:

Checking “show printing options” will cause the system to bring up a prompt allowing you to decide whether to preview to screen or just go to a printer.  Emailing options are on this prompt as well.

Choosing “laser or impact” will tell DSM to send the correct format to the printer.  If you use a laser printer, it will send more enhanced features to the printer.  If impact, only basic information is sent.

Pricing level to show is a default way of sending the job information to the printer.  This is helpful when you print your tickets for the workers and don’t want to show the pricing of the job to them.  You may override this on the printing prompt.

Number of copies is the number of copies to print.

Checking “Default to master Ticket format if multi-day job” sends the job order to the printer in a different format.

Checking “default to send job to truck rather than person” will cause the system to use the “SEND” function on the order to send to the device specified in the truck which the user is assigned rather than using the communication information on the user configuration screen.

General Settings:

Background color sets the users background color wherever they’re logged in.

Checking “never show application update release notes” turns off the system notes.  When the system updates, all users will see the release notes unless this option is checked.

Customer search screen:

Checking “default to searching inactive customers” will cause the search screen to automatically check the “Inactive” box automatically.

Checking “default to searching anywhere in the name” will cause the search screen to automatically check the “search anywhere in the name” field.

Default mapping engine is typically Google but you can choose other options here too.

Change login password button allows the user to change their own password.


Printers / Scanners (F3)


Printing Options:

Set your printer options here. 

Scanner settings allow you to set up a scanner in DSM.  It can use a basic TWAIN driver (common to most printers) or it can use the scanner interface.  (means it will bring up the scanner software)  NOTE:  if your scanner cannot or does not have the ability to use a TWAIN driver, you will have to scan documents with your scanner interface, save the file, then add those scanned documents to DSM.


Email / Other (F4)


This screen allows you to override the email setting defined in the System Configuration found under administration.  This is helpful because you can change the setting here to allow you to send emails out of DSM as Yourself VS the general setting which dispatching might want to use as a general sending entity.  The setting are exactly as found in the system configuration under administration.

The document / image default file path can be set but is not necessary as the system prompts you for  a location if you’re adding images anyway.  You can set it if you want a default however.

Excel Export:  Check XLS.


Checking these options will cause the system to prompt the user for certain items such as quote follow-ups.  Typically, only an administrator wants to be prompted for everything.  By default, it is ON.   If you wish to disable it, check the Disable option.

Unchecking “show overdue quotes for other salesmen” will turn off the reminder for everyone’s items coming to you.




The Maintenance tab allows you to choose how far back to search on the job history screen.  A helpful feature.  By default, it is usually 2.