DSM Instructional – Table Maintenance
– Job Sites
These instructions cover the Job Sites configuration found
under table maintenance
Go to File > Maintain Tables > Job Sites > Jobsite
Table. You will see the following
NOTE: You must enter a job site first before
entering a master site in the master job site table.
Click NEW JOB SITE and you will see the following screen:
First, enter a job site # and a Job
name. It’s helpful here to have a naming
strategy in mind. Fill out all the
normal information such as address, city, state, etc.
Make sure to hook it to a customer or you will not be able
to save the record.
Enter the foreman by either typing their name or clicking
the plus button.
If the job is a certified job, you can enter the information
on the right hand side. After that, you may define the minimum pay scales for
the certified job.
The AIA Contract billing tab is to set up the job site to
function as AIA (American Institute of Architects) billing. In short, AIA is a check & balances
system that only allows you to work based on what was defined, then if any
other work needs to be performed, change orders would be entered. See more of this in our other documentation.
The job history tab shows any job that has been associated
with this site. You can see the orders,
job tickets or invoices related here as well.
The invoice history screen shows all invoices associated
with this site. It also shows totals at
the right. Below it also shows the
orders associated with it.
The Documents tab here is a neat function in DSM. It is all over the system for many items such
as jobs, tickets, trucks, etc. Simply
drag and drop any file you like from your computer to the window on the left,
and it gets automatically stored with the job site record. Call it a file cabinet if you will.
When you put items here you can also check the boxes in the
lower right telling DSM to Print the document ANY TIME you use it on an order
or bill a client.
The Expenses Tab shows any additional expenses you wish to
add to the job site outside of what would appear on an order or be billed. These come into play with reporting.
Go to File > Maintain Tables > Job Sites > Master
Jobsite Table. You will see the
following screen:
The master job site table is used as a general “container”
for other job sites. If you have large
contract jobs with many locations, you would start here by defining a master
Double clicking a site will edit it, or you can click NEW
MASTER JOBSITE to create a new one.
You also have numerous search options.
To add a master site, you only need to type in a few pieces of
Had sites been entered in the system, you could link them
here or edit any existing ones.
Go to File > Maintain Tables > Job Sites > Default
Certified Payroll Rates.
Click ADD to add some rates.
These will be items that appear in the Certified
rate listing of Job Sites. You may
select them once defined.