DSM Instructional – Taking Quote to an Order


These instructions cover taking a quote and turning it into an order in DSM.  There are numerous ways to turn a quote into an order and we’ll cover every option here.

The methods are:

1.       Simply changing the work type of an existing quote.

2.       Duplicating an existing quote then changing the work type on the duplicate, then change the customer

3.       Closing an open quote by choosing it and allowing the system to mark it as closed and automatically create a new order for you. (this is the recommended procedure)


Method 1.

There is a downside to using this method because changing the work type of an existing quote results in no record being kept of the original quote. 

To do this, simply change the work type drop down list to say “QUOTES” and save it.  It will then place it on the schedule as a scheduled job on the date you’ve specified.  This method is not recommended for historical quote information purposes.



Method 2.

This method is pretty basic as well but will allow you to save the original quote as it was and duplicate every part of it, creating a new job.  Once done, you simply change the work type and schedule it.  From this point, you only close the original quote or cancel it.


As seen in the image above, you double click the quote you want to duplicate. (1)  Then you go to the Multi Day Tab on the quote. (2)  Next you click the Add/Duplicate button. (3)  Finally you choose when to create the duplicate.

Once you’ve picked your options, you will want to choose “INVOICE NEW ORDER SEPARATELY,” otherwise the original quote and the new quote will be tied together in a billing group.  For this demonstration, choose “invoice new order separately.”

Once you’ve picked your options and duplicated the quote, YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO THE QUOTE YOU DUPLICATED.

There are two possible final steps.

1.        Close the original quote by going back to your original quote and edit it.  Choose CANCEL at the top.

2.       Go to the menu option ACTION > SEE OPEN QUOTES.


From this screen, you simply find the open quote, check it on the left, then click “mark as closed  You can choose from numerous results here and these results you may add to at any time using the Plus button.

If you choose “turned into order,” The system will show a larger screen asking you to pick the order it went to.  Assuming the job you duplicated earlier has a work type other than QUOTES, it would appear in the list.  Check it and click ok.



Method 3.  (recommended)

This method is the best because you don’t have to do much.  Simply go to ACTION > SEE OPEN QUOTES.


Find your quote and highlight it.  Click “MARK AS CLOSED”

Once at the next screen, click the drop down list and select “Turned into Order.”

Click the “ADD NEW ORDER NOW” button.    This will take you to the new order where you only need to select a work type and time.  Everything else from the original quote has been brought over to your new order for you.  A few small options and you’re done here.


When you click OK, the original quote has been closed for you and the new order was created.


Let’s see what we’ve done now.

Go to reports > sales reports > Quote activity Report as seen here.


Select a few options for your date range and hit REPORT.






End of document.