DSM Instructional – Using Purchase Orders (basic)

These instructions cover working with Purchase Orders in DSM.

On the menu at the top, go to Purchasing > Create/Edit/Receive PO’s.  You will see the following screen:

Description: C:\Users\kwood\Desktop\001.jpg

For this demonstration, we’ll enter a new basic PO.  If there were other open PO’s here, you could view  and edit existing ones.  For now, let’s click NEW PO in the bottom left corner.  You will see the following screen: 

Description: C:\Users\kwood\Desktop\002.jpg

Click the NEW button.  You will see the next screen below:

Description: C:\Users\kwood\Desktop\003.jpg

For this entry, we’ll check the box that says “FREEFORM ENTRY.”  It will change the window to a basic entry screen.  Put in a generic item and click OK.  You will see the following screen.


Description: C:\Users\kwood\Desktop\004.jpg

Now that we’ve created an item in the po, we can add more or simply click OK.  You have other options here such as:  Apply discount, shipping and tax if applicable.  You can also type notes in the lower left hand for reference.    We’ll enter a few of these items and print the PO.  When clicking print, you’ll see the following screen:

Description: C:\Users\kwood\Desktop\005.jpg

Here, we’re selecting both our part number and vendor part number for reference.  Click OK, Print:

Description: C:\Users\kwood\Desktop\006.jpg


Now that we’ve printed a PO, we’ll go back now and receive it as seen here:

Description: C:\Users\kwood\Desktop\01.jpg

Highlight the PO in question, then click RECEIVE PO at the bottom.  You will see the following:


Description: C:\Users\kwood\Desktop\02.jpg 

From here, you will see the items that were on the PO.  In this case, only one item is here.  So, we’ll just enter the quantity received.

NOTE:  Make sure to enter your receive location at the top right.

Description: C:\Users\kwood\Desktop\03.jpg

Here we enter the quantity received and mark “close this item out,” then click OK.  Your PO is now received and closed.  You will now notice that the Main Purchase orders screen is now not showing the item you were working on.  To see it, there are options at the bottom to help you out.  Pick a date range for closed and you can see items from those date ranges.