DSM Instructional – Key Screen: The Order

These instructions cover a key screen in DSM, the Order screen.

Accessing any job / order in DSM will produce the following screen. 




We’ll go over each item on each tab shown so you have a full understanding of what everything is used for.


(across the top)


Company:  A drop down list showing the internal company this order is under.  This is only valid in multi company configurations.

Type: A drop down list showing what type of work the job is.

Priority:  A drop down list showing the priority of the job. If set to 3, it is normal as seen here on the master schedule:


Priority 2 displays like this:


Priority 1 displays like this:



Needs Review:  If checked, overrides ANY PRIORITY and shows as this color:



Cancel Job: If checked, will save the job and mark it as cancelled.

Salesman:  A drop down box allowing you to pick which salesman sold the job.

Territory:  A drop down box allows you to pick which territory the job is in.  (optional)



Site #:  The site number is optional in DSM but it can be used to tie a job to a master site.  It is commonly used in conjunction with either multi-day jobs, certified, AIA, or prevailing wage jobs.  It allows you to tie multiple orders/customers to sites.

Quick Job Description:  A text field used for a quick typed description.  This field shows up on the master schedule under the column entitled DESC.  It will show your typed description until the job/order has activity on it.  Activity such as “job is a go, in route, completed, etc” will change the DESC field on the master order display to a TIME when the action happened.  Resetting start & end times on the job will revert the DESC field back to your typed description.  The field is very small.

Job Name:  A text field where you type the job name.  Usually, this is handy for quick reference and displays on the master schedule.

Address:  Enter the address of the job.

To the left of that, a button that if pressed allows you to simply find the address on the map.  DSM will fill it in when you have picked the correct location.

City / ST:  Enter the city & state here.

Area: A drop down box which can be used to differentiate jobs in certain areas.  It is not required.  If used, you may also add areas on the fly by clicking the PLUS button to the right.

Job Phones: Number fields to type the main phone numbers for your job.  Secondary phone is normally used for cell phones etc. 

Type: A drop down box where you pick what type the secondary phone number is.  You can type two characters here.  E.g.  CE = Cell, PG = Pager, etc.

Foreman:  A multi capable field allows you to either type a new name here as foreman or add one if you wish.  Typing will automatically add one to the customer record.  The drop down box will also pick from available people in the customer record as well.

Text Foreman When In-Route:  If checked, will text the foreman listed when the operator pressed the “In-Route” button on the DSM Mobile App.

Gen. Contractor / Owner:  Text fields for you to type contractor’s or owner’s names.

Map page:  An older feature in DSM which you can type the Map Code Page to help route the driver to the job.  Not commonly used.

Wage:  A drop down box that allows you to choose R=Regular, C=Certified, or P=Prevailing wages.  This signals the job order which pay scales to use when your workers are assigned to the job.



Job Date:  Enter your job date here.  The date here determines when it shows up on the schedule.

Arrival time:  A time field for you to put in a general arrival time.  The field next to it can also be used for something like “morning” or “afternoon” if you wish.

Ordered By: A text field showing who called in the order. 

Call Before Going: If checked, will change the job color on the master schedule screen as shown here:


The Date & time field:  These fields reflect the date the job was completed and a time marked as complete. 

Entered by:  A grayed out field that fills in the name of the person who entered the job/order.  It displays a User ID.

Estimated Hours and Price:  Text fields allowing you to type a general estimate of hours & price.  The price does not carry to billing section.  The estimated hours & Price also show on the master schedule screen.


Change Customer Button:  Allows you to change the customer associated with the job. 

Customer #: Customer number assigned to this customer.  It can be an automatic number produced by DSM or you can manually type it.

Edit Customer Info Button: You can change the customer information displayed on the job by clicking this button.  You can also edit the customer numerous other ways in DSM.

Job Rqst #:  A blank entry field commonly used for external job numbering systems used by other systems, customers, etc.  A free form field you can use for anything really.

PO #: Enter the PO # here as the customer has given it to you.  You can also require this field in the company configuration.

Tax Code:  A drop down list that allows you to pick which tax rate to use when billing the job.

Minimum Rate:  A rate field per hour or dollar figure which prints on the order when printed.  Use to determine a minimum you want to charge.

Travel:  Travel rate is entered here.

Stand By: Stand by hourly rate is entered here.



Check Boxes: Check the boxes of the items you wish to note to include on the job.  These can be modified and re-ordered as a list in the company configuration.  Other basic items are shown here as well.





The Details tab on the order is where you itemize the billable items on the job.  Using the Add/Modify/Delete or Reorder buttons, you can organize them any way you like.  You can highlight an item and click modify, or you can just double-click them to edit them.


The Job comments tab below is for notes, Directions are for typed directions and Confidential notes as well.  Confidential notes only pop up to administrators or the person that entered the order.

To the right, quotation conditions are really a selectable list of items you can add to the comments field by simply double-clicking on them.


MAP (F4)


The Mapping feature in DSM is integrated with Google Maps by default.  You can change your mapping engine (program) using the drop down list in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

By default, the map displayed is a static map and not editable.  If you need to edit the map because the location is wrong, simply click ONCE on the map and the enhanced mapping feature becomes visible as seen below:


When in the enhanced mode, you can drag the map and move the marker as well.  It is Google Maps and you have numerous options here.  Once you’ve placed your marker, clicking OK will save your new map as your default. 

NOTE:  If you zoom in to place a marker and click OK, the map will save as it is displayed on the screen.  In short, if you save a map that’s zoomed in, your printed map will be that map.





The Operator / Equipment tab shows the list of workers assigned to the job.  You can add new workers or edit them by clicking Add/Change/Remove as shown here:


Next is the Special Equipment needed for the job.  It is not necessary to use this feature but is handy when you want to reserve a piece of equipment for this job.  It also places a record on the equipment disallowing anyone else to reserve it for the given time period.  Clicking NEW under special equipment shows the following screen:


Under the Reserve Equipment Screen, you will see a list on the left of equipment in your system that is available.  Simply highlight your needed equipment, then pick your time frame below.  If you pick “whole day” it will assign that equipment for the entire day.  If you pick “job hours only” it will then be held for the estimated hours shown on the F2 Tab.


Multi-Day (F6)


The multi-day tab is a super feature in DSM.  It allows you to link multiple jobs together and bill them as one in the end.  You can also reschedule the one job or your whole list of combined jobs to appear on the master schedule in the future.

In this case, there is only one job.  Clicking ADD/DUPLICATE will show the following screen:


This screen is where you can duplicate the existing job.  You can choose whether to make another job for today, tomorrow or a date range.  Duplicating for a date range will copy your current job, assignments and equipment (if you choose) and place them on the schedule automatically.  This is a helpful feature for multi day jobs or contract jobs.  You can also choose whether to bill them together or separately.  If you choose separately then later decide to bill them all together, you may do so at any time by creating a billing group.  This can be done from this screen or the billing screen as well.




The OTHER tab has helpful items on it such as Entered Date, Last edit date and lead type.

Below this are Job Status, Lien Status and Invoice Status.

Below that, a status location of where your trucks are if they use DSM Mobile.  This feature is helpful for reviewing or verifying employee timecard entries from the mobile application.


To the right are the quote results and follow up date (if it was a quote)

Below to the right is the credit card info on file.  This can be taken from the customer record if needed.





The Documents tab here is a neat function in DSM.  It is all over the system for many items such as jobs, tickets, trucks, etc.  Simply drag and drop any file you like from your computer to the window on the left, and it gets automatically stored with the record.   Call it a file cabinet if you will.

When you put items here you can also check the boxes in the lower right telling DSM to Print the document ANY TIME you use it on an order or bill a client. 





Finally, although completely optional, you may add other expenses to your job/order.  Clicking Add will show the following:


There are numerous expense types you can add to your job. 



End of document.