DSM Instructional – Customizing Reports and Forms

These instructions will show how to customize the reports in DSM and your printed items.  This is helpful when you want to give DSM that extra look & feel of your business.

DSM has many capabilities when it comes to customization so we’ll start at the beginning.


General Company Logo on reports

First, we’ll put your company logo in the system which will print on all Default reports found in the reports menu.

To do this, go to FILE, ADMINISTRATION, COMPANY CONFIGURATION.  Highlight your company (typically there is only one) and click EDIT.

Next, on the GENERAL tab, look at the bottom left corner.

If you want your company logo on all reports in DSM, check the box that says Print Logo On Reports.  After this, specify the logo you wish to use by clicking the button that says Specify Report Logo. 

Clicking the button will bring a screen where you can choose your image.  Browse your computer for the image, select it, and click ok.

Your screen will then show your new logo and we’re done here.  Click OK, then Close.

Now, any report you run in DSM will sport your new logo.