DSM Billing

DSM Billing




Peak Software has released a major enhancement to DSM’s billing process as of application DSMW400.APP.  Fundamentally, a direct link has been established between the Job Order & the invoice.  This makes it very easy to assure that all jobs entered in DSM are billed.  Prior versions used a two tier process.  The first step was to make sure that job tickets were entered for jobs.  The second step was to make sure the tickets were invoiced.


The billing module has been completely rewritten from the ground up utilizing a wealth of comments and situations encountered from more than 50 clients.  Several hundred hours have been involved in the rewrite.  The most dramatic improvement was made in the multi-day jobs.  Existing clients will have a small learning curve but new clients will find the new system much easier.  We believe this enhancement will be a major improvement for all our users.


Methods Of Billing


Logically, billing in DSM begins with a Job Order, a Job Ticket and then an Invoice.








There are 4 types of billing possible in DSM.


1.     Service Jobs (single day) – These are jobs which are completed in a single day with one worker or only one job ticket associated with the order.

2.     Time & Material Jobs – These are jobs which require more than one day or more than one job ticket will be collected.  Each job ticket contains billable items.  This means that if Joe cut 600 feet that day, his job ticket will show a price for his 600 feet.  If Bill cut 500 feet that day or another day, his job ticket will show a price for his work.  The invoice will simply gather all the job tickets together (which were previously linked) and bill on one invoice.  Each operator will get revenue credit for just the work on their ticket.

3.     Lump Sum Jobs – These jobs often known as contract jobs consist of more than one day or more than one job ticket.  Many times a great number of tickets can be involved.  In this case all but one ticket is entered as time only tickets (just showing the hours worked by those operators).  The last ticket (or any ticket) contains the full invoice amount.  We then use DSM’s back distribute utility to credit revenue back to all the workers who worked on the project.  The back distribute utility gives us options on how to distribute the revenue.

4.     Manual Invoices – These are simple invoices which are not linked to a job ticket.  They typically are used for blade sales, other income and miscellaneous items.  They should not be used for contract jobs as the link of operator to revenue would be compromised.


Most DSM clients will use all of the above methods from time to time however some more than others.  It is highly recommended that you read all sections thoroughly so you fully understand how DSM works and all the options available to you.



The Basics


All job oriented bill activity begins with the job order.  Single day service jobs are simple, you just enter the order.  Jobs which go multiple days need to be linked together in a billing group or master ticket.  Multi day jobs (T&M and Lump Sum) will be billed using the following strategy




All jobs orders show same master ticket # or billing group B4 but have their own order #.













The decision of weather to identify billing groups in dispatch differs from site to site.  Typically the stronger the skills of the dispatch person, the more likely the grouping should happened there.  Often they have insight to how many days the job will go and were logical breaks are.  Other groups have found that it’s easier to link the jobs at the end right before the invoice is generated.  No matter what your decision, some reassignments in the billing group will be necessary.


In the new billing system, creating and altering billing groups is a lot easier than before.  It now becomes very practical to do it any point.  It is even possible to add a time only ticket into to a billing group which has already been invoiced (fix a mistake).


The often asked question in DSM is when do I duplicate a job order.  The rule of thumb is to generate a job order for each job ticket you expect to be returned by an operator.  The classic example is when it’s a one day job and you send a cutter out for cutting, and a demo guy out for the removal.  In this case most companies would expect a ticket from each worker which means that the two orders would be linked together in a billing group or master ticket.  If the pricing process shows a separate value for the cutting vs. removal, it would billed as a T&M job.  If a single price is given, then it is a lump sum.


A Master Ticket number is shown as a new order # with a “B” in front of it (Example:  B002038) .  Each job in the group will have a separate order number but the same Master #.



Making Billing Groups


If a job will yield more than one job ticket, it should be duplicated.  Ideally there should be a separate job for each operator who will return a ticket.  This is important for the purposes of making sure all Job Tickets are turned in and entered into DSM.

Duplicate a job order by pressing the “Duplicate” button at the bottom middle of the orders screen.  DSM will follow with duplicate options.


To duplicate a job, press the “Duplicate” button on the Job Order screen.  The following screen will appear.




The following options help you optimize the process:


·         Duplicate & Keep The Same Date – This makes a copy of the order with the same date as the original.  The original is automatically saved.

·         Duplicate & Increment To Tomorrow – This makes a copy of the order but uses tomorrows date.  DSM automatically skips the weekends in this process so if you duplicate a Friday order using this option, the new order will show Monday’s date.  You can then change the date on this newly created order to Saturday if desired.

·         Duplicate From Selected Dates Below – This option allows you to choose the days to duplicate this order for the next 4 weeks.  This is a great option for contract jobs.


After selecting the method for duplicating, you either choose Invoice With Original Order which creates a master ticket and link the jobs together or choose Invoice New Order Separately which does not create a master ticket and each is like it was entered individually.


Another useful option is the Duplicate Job Assignment Too checkbox.  If checked the job assignments will be duplicated along with the order.  This is very useful for long contract jobs.



Reorganizing Billing Groups or Orders To Be Billed Together


From time to time it will be necessary to reorganize billing groups.  Before invoicing, DSM wants all the job tickets to be entered for the job orders in a billing group.  Even with the best of planning, you will need to manipulate these groups to get billing out.


There are two ways to do this.


1.             Edit any job in that billing group and select the “See Other Orders” button.  Note that this button will say “Add Other Orders” if it not already linked to a billing group.  This screen will show all the jobs in the billing group.  Then select “Add / Remove Orders From This Group.”

2.             Click on the “Master Ticket” button from the Generate Invoice screen.


This screen allows you to reorganize billing groups by dragging orders up an down using the mouse or Ctrl-Up / Down arrow keys.

Either option will bring up the following screen.


You can move orders up and down by clicking (and holding) on the box with the arrow and dragging it up or down in the list.  Alternatively, you can highlight the order to move, hold down the Ctrl key and use the up and down arrows to move the order  into the proper group.


To make the highlighted order bill with the orders in Master Ticket B018515, you would simply drag it down one space so it is under the Master Ticket B018515 line.  Once under that line, the order is not important.


If you need to create a new billing group, click on the “New Billing Group” button.  This will add another Master Ticket Line.  You can then drag this new group up in the list and assign jobs under it to this new group. 


All jobs under a Master Ticket will be billed with that master ticket, until the next master ticket appears.  Jobs at the top above any master ticket designation will be billed individually.


No reassignments are not committed until you press the OK button.  At that time all reassignments are made at once.


Jobs which have been invoiced will not show in this list as they cannot be reassigned once invoiced.  See the section on fixing an invoice for details how to fix such a situation.


If you find a job which should have been included in an invoice which was already billed, you can attach it to an existing invoice (assuming the job represents no additional billable dollars and is time only).  See the section on Special Situations for more details.

Entering The Job Ticket


The second step to the billing process is to enter the Job Ticket.  Each job order should have a job ticket.  DSM will allow you to attach multiple job tickets to a single job order but this practice is not recommended.  The reason is that there is no way to indicate how many tickets DSM should expect.  It only expects one.  Once the first ticket it entered, the job will no longer be included on the missing job ticket reporting.


Entry of the Job Ticket can happen in either of three places:


1.             From the Display Job Orders screen by pressing the  Job Tickets” button.

2.             From the Timecard Editing screen by pressing the “See Job Ticket” button, double clicking on the job order or highlighting the order and pressing the enter key.


The first step to entering a job ticket is to tell DSM what the Job Ticket # will be.

From the Generate Invoices screen by pressing the “See Job Ticket” button, double clicking on the job order or highlighting the order and pressing the enter key.


Enter the job ticket number from the Job Tickets.  If your company uses serialized job tickets, then this is the number on Job Ticket form itself.  If you do not have a unique Job Ticket number, then use the DSM order number listed at the top of the screen.  After entering the job ticket number, press enter or click on the edit button to continue.


Although it can be confusing the new button is used to add a second job ticket (after the first one is added) to a job order which is not recommended as discussed above.


Next the job ticket screen will appear.  DSM is looking for three primary items on a job ticket,

1.     Entry of billable items

2.     Entry of diamond blade usage

3.     Entry of timecard information

You can also enter job costing information and truck mileage as well.  Cost information, truck mileage, billable items and blade usage are optional.

DSM’s job ticket screen is looking for:

1.       Billable Line Items (for invoice)

2.       Diamond Blade Usage

3.       Employee Timecard Info



Most companies do not enter the truck mileage at the top of the job ticket screen.  These fields are disabled by default.  They can be turned on in the System Configuration / Job Ticket screen.  If you track odometer readings at the job ticket level, you should enable these fields.  They are useful for truck mileage reporting, job costing and truck maintenance.


Billable Items


Billable items are shown in the top list box.  If you use the itemized order format for entering job orders, DSM can default the order description into this section.  There are three possible options for this, always default (without asking), ask before defaulting and never default.  This is also defined in the system configuration screen.  If you use itemized job orders, only experience will tell you which setting is best for you.  If you enter job order details in the comment field, DSM will never default and you will always be entering these fields.


Invoice line items are entered one by one on the job ticket screen.

Press the “New: button on the Invoice Items Line


Enter the quantity, product code (as defined in the Product Code table) and price each.  DSM will automatically calculate the extended price.  The description will be defaulted from the product code table but can be edited to show more detail.  Note that the exact verbiage used in the description will be displayed on the invoice.  As many lines as necessary may be entered.  It is also common to leave the quantity as 1 and enter the final price in the each price field.  The description usually provides the need information on what was done.


The “Charge Tax On This Item” checkbox should be checked if you plan to charge tax on this line item.  This box will default based on the setting defined at the product code table.  Note that the invoice will only charge tax on items where this box is checked and invoices will only charge tax regardless of this setting if the “Job Is Taxable Using Rate: “ checkbox is checked on the main Job Ticket screen.


After clicking on “Save”, that item will be added.  To add in additional items, click on the “New” button again.  Often times you will need to add more than one line item if part of the revenue goes to say cutting and the other portion of the revenue should be classified as removal.  To edit line items, double click on the line or highlight it and click the “Edit button.”


This entire section will be skipped on lump sum billing jobs (all except the last ticket).  It also may be temporarily skipped for companies who need to enter the timecard information before the billing is complete.  Companies using DSM for timekeeping often have a problem getting all the jobs priced before payroll is due.  The solution for many of these companies is to enter the timecard information in dispatch as the job completes or do a timekeeping only entry before sending the job tickets to estimating to be priced.


Note:    If you are skipping this section, upon editing the timecard you may see a line item which says, “Bill With Master Ticket.”  This is added automatically when saving a job ticket which is part of a billing group when the ticket has no line items.  This item will not appear on the invoice but completes the cycle to linking the Job Ticket # to the final invoice.


If you are to charge tax on the invoice to be generated, click on the “Job Is Taxable Using Rate: “ field and select the tax rate. These rates are defined in the Sale Tax Rates table.  Note that to charge tax, this field must be checked and atleast one line item must have the “Charge Tax On This Item” field checked.  The default to charge tax on this job ticket is set at the customer level under the Taxable field.


Line items can be edited freely until the ticket is invoiced.  Once invoiced you will need to delete the invoice before editing can occur.  Timecards and Blade usage can be edited anytime.



Diamond Blade Usage


Pressing the “New” button in the Diamond Blade Usage Section adds a usage record.

Diamond Blade Usage is entered by identifying the serial number, length and depth cut.  Surface codes add operator comments to the usage record.



This screen requires the serial number of the blade used, the length and depth of the cut.  Surface codes allow entry of comment codes specified by the operator about conditions of the job.  Steel type allows specification of the steel encountered in the cut (set up in the steel type table).  The Saw # used and hours on saw is used for preventative maintenance purposes and final reporting on blade usage history.


If deep sawing is done and multiple cuts were made, a record for each cut should be entered.  Pressing the “New” button a second time adds the second entry.


Bits can be tracked by entering a 1 in the length field and putting the depth of the hole in the depth field.  The result will be that DSM tracks the vertical inches a bit buts.  This is a much more useful and visual number rather than trying to calculate the area and yielding and in-ft reading.



Timecard Entry


Timecards record the hours worked and specify the revenue credited for the job.  Also behind the scene, DSM job costs the job by the employee’s hourly rate times the hours worked.

Timecard entry records the hours worked by the operator and amount of revenue they will be credited with for the job.




By default DSM defaults to the assigned operator.  This can be changed if necessary.  The following times are entered:


            Started:                        Time when you begin paying the employee.

            Arrived:             Time when the operator arrived on the job.

            Departed:         Time when the operator finished the job.

            Finished:           Time when the you finish paying the operator.


Note that the difference between started vs. arrived and departed vs. finished is travel/shop time and the time between arrived vs. departed is job time.  Any minutes put in the lunch field are deducted from job time.


Departed and finished are usually the same time unless it’s the last job of the day.  In this case the difference is travel time back to the shop.  Typically the finish time of the first job is the started time of the second job (begin of travel).


For companies who do not pay travel time to the first job, the started and arrived are the same time as well.


Travel Type Field


By default DSM does not clarify time other than job time and travel time.  In fact the generic distinction is travel/shop.  For some shops, especially union shops, it is necessary to distinguish this  non-job time .  These companies can turn on the Specify Travel Time option in System Configuration.  You can then define the travel time portion as Before and After Travel, Inbetween Travel, Shop, Other.  If time indicated on the ticket denotes more than one travel time, say B&A travel and Inbetween travel, you need to make two timecards.


For example:     Operator started his second job of the day at 2pm, arrived at the jobsite at 2:30pm, finished the job at 4pm and traveled back to the shop until 5pm.  The 1st travel is inbetween travel which pays union wages but the second travel is paid at a before and after rate.  This would be entered into DSM as two tickets.


1st Ticket                                               2nd Ticket

            Started:                        2:00pm                         Started:                        4:00pm

            Arrived:             2:30pm                         Arrived:             4:00pm

            Departed:         4:00pm                         Departed:         4:00pm

            Finished:           4:00pm                         Finished:           5”:00pm

            Travel Type:      I                                   Travel Type:      B



Certified Job Rate Class


If the job is a certified job and has been defined properly, this field will be enabled which will allow you to select the appropriate wage rate for this job ticket.  When originally setting up a certified job, you define these allowable rates.  By selecting these rates job costing is effected as well as timekeeping (timekeeping reports show hours and the rates).


Overtime Job Hours


If any of the job hours are to be paid at an overtime rate, you indicate the number of hours in this field.  If the operator worked 4 job hours on this job but only 1 hour was overtime, you would need to put a one in this field.  The default for overtime is time and a half, if double time, change the OT multiplier field to 2.



Overtime Travel Hours


If any of the travel hours are to be paid at an overtime rate, you indicate the number of hours in this field.  If the operator traveled 2 hours on this job but only 1 hour was overtime, you would need to put a one in this field.  The default for overtime is time and a half, if double time, change the OT multiplier field to 2.


Note:    DSM can assist in calculating overtime.  There is a System Configuration option which allows you to specify never calculate overtime (default), only over 40 hours, anything over 8 or over 40 hours.  Most users find it’s easier to figure overtime manually.  The problem with letting DSM figure it is that the order of job entry becomes important.  DSM shows other hours for the week and day to help assist in the process.  The timecard editing utility (under the action menu) is a great tool for reviewing weekly totals.



Use Special Rate


By checking this checkbox, DSM shows you and allows you to edit the rate which will be paid to an operator on this job only.



Job Rate


This rate is the amount paid for on the job hours.



Travel Rate


This rate is the amount paid for travel hours.


Note that there is an hourly rate field and benefits field.  Benefits can be used for union companies where a benefit rate is paid but not multiplied by the OT multiplier for job costing purposes.  If overtime is to be paid, the amounts should be entered as regular time rates.  DSM will automatically multiply these rates times the OT multiplier to calculate the resultant OT rates.



OT Multiplier (Overtime)


This is the multiplier in which to pay overtime.  The default is 1.5 or time and a half.  To make it represent double time, change the number to 2.



Per Diem


This is a flat dollar rate which is paid to an operator.  Typically it is used to compensate a worker for out of town expenses.



Refresh Button


This button refreshes the hourly rates from disk.  It is not a routinely used button but rather a utility.  It’s most common use is in editing timecards when a new operator has been entered into the system with no hourly rates.  If timecards have been entered, the rate was saved as zero.  After fixing the employee file, you can edit a timecard (usually through Action / Timecard Editing) and press this button.  Hourly rates will be updated.  To check, click on the Use Special Rate checkbox.



Employee’s Share Of Total Dollars Billed On This Job Ticket


This field shows the dollar amount which the employee will be credited for this job.  It is not editable for the first timecard entered.  If a second or third timecard is entered on the same job ticket (for either a helper or other operator), enter the dollar amount that operator should be credited for.  Essentially you are splitting the revenue credit between the two.  Whatever amount is entered for the second operator will be deducted from the first such that the sum of the two equals the total amount being billed.



Is Helper


This field is used to indicate that the second or third worker (on the same ticket) is a helper.  Note that like the dollar field, this field is not enabled on the first timecard entered.  DSM always assumes that the first timecard entered is the primary worker.  DSM is designed to assign a set dollar amount per hour worked to helpers. You can always override this amount by entering the desired amount in the dollar field.  The amount automatically defaulted can be changed in System Configuration / Job Tickets.



Type Of Work


This field shows the type of work for the job and always defaults to the work type assigned at the job level.  Since it is not possible to assign a single job to more than one work type, some clients feel it is necessary to split the timecard and utilize this field to show the difference.  The classic example is a cutting & removal job is done by the same operator.  By splitting the timecard you can break the revenue into the two classifications.  This can yield more accurate worktype day rates for the operator.  By default this field is not enabled and must be enabled through the System Configuration / Job Tickets screen using the Enable Timecard Work Type option.  We do not recommend you enable this option until you are fairly experienced with the system and feel you absolutely need this level of detail.



Workman’s Compensation Code


Some DSM users have negotiated favorable workman’s compensation rates by documenting all jobs.  Using DSM they can assign the payroll hours to the correct workman’s compensation rates and then produce reports which show payroll dollars at the varies rates.  By default this option is turned off.  It can be enabled through the Track Workman’s option under System Configuration / Job Tickets.



Lost Time


Lost time is a place to document job disruptions such as standby time, breakdowns, etc.  When running the work type reports, you can remove lost time from the averages.  Although Peak’s opinion is that you typically want to include lost time to show the real life picture, there are times where it is appropriate to view the data with lost time removed.  They consist of two character codes which must be defined in the lost code table (under File Maintenance / Lost Time Codes).


You can enter multiple lost time codes by entering the first code and the minutes, then pressing the add button and entering the next.



Back Distribute


This back distribute option on the Job Ticket entry screen allows you to send lump sum revenue back to all the works involved.  Consider the following example of a 3 day job which is lump sum billed:


Day 1                                       Day 2                                       Day 3

Bill works 3 hours                      James works 2 hours                 Dave works 4 hours

Time Only Ticket Entered           Time Only Ticket Entered           Job Ticket With Dave’s

   (no line items)                                       (no line items)                                    Time - Lump Sum Price


Through normal job ticket entry, Bill and James would get no revenue credit because their tickets did not contain line items.  Dave however would receive all the credit on his ticket because all the revenue must be credited to timecards on the screen and his Job Ticket has only one timecard.


Using the back distribute utility, we can take the revenue from the invoice and disperse it amongst all the operators who had job tickets for job orders which were included in the billing group or master ticket.


To process a back distribution, you need to have line items on the job ticket (i.e. revenue to distribute) and press the Back Distribute button on the job ticket. The back distribute screen will show all operators who were on job tickets attached to job orders which were in this billing group.





Back Distribute allows you to credit revenue to all workers in a lump sum billing



Dollar Amount To Distribute


This is the amount to back distribute which defaults to the entire billed amount.  Typically you use the default but it is possible to reduce this amount which means you would have to directly apply the remaining amount to timecards on the job ticket.  Unless you have a good reason to do this, leave the default and if back distribute the entire amount.




By default DSM chooses to distribute the money evenly by % of hours worked.  In our example a total of 9 hours was worked.  DSM therefore takes the total billed and divides it by 9 to find the appropriate hourly rate for the entire job.  It then assigns each timecard a dollar amount by multiplying the calculated rate times the hours on that card.


Unless you have documentation from the estimator for different numbers, go with this methodology because it is fast, easy and over the long haul, fairly accurate.


If you have specific dollar amounts, you can assign each ticket the exact amount you wish.  To do this click on the Manually Specify option.  Then either double click on the job ticket, highlight it and hit enter, or highlight it and press the modify button.

Back Distribution credits can be edited ticket by ticket to assign exact amounts



This screen allows you to specify the specific dollar amount or % of the total for this ticket.  The checkbox “Is Helper” can be checked for employee’s who get a specific hourly dollar amount for hours worked.  Note that the dollar amounts are only editable if the methodology on the previous screen is set to Manually Specify.   The rate on the help will only calculate automatically if you have chosen the % by Hours Worked option.  The manual method requires that all amounts be entered in.  Ultimately the total of all dollars distributed must equal the total amount of the back distribution.


Note:    The back distribute utility is not needed for T&M (time and material) type billing because those jobs contain the appropriate line items with each job ticket.  The operator only gets the revenue contained on his ticket.


Some large jobs may have a dollar total for each operator and not be broken down by ticket.  Press the Distribute By Person button to launch a utility which will automate the distribution.  The follow screen appears.

The Back Distribute By Person allows you to specify the dollar total or % by person for the entire job.




Enter the amount or dollar % for each employee.  If you enter the amount, DSM calculates the percentage.  If you enter the percentage, DSM figures the dollar amount.  On any given employee, the Amt to Zero field displays the amount that if entered in that employee’s dollar amount, would complete the distribution.



Excluding The Job Ticket


Some Job Tickets may be entered for timekeeping purposes but not be a ticket that will be billed.  The classic example is shop time.  In this case you will enter the time only job ticket and click on the Exclude button at the bottom of the screen. 

The Exclude button is used to exclude tickets such as Shop tickets from the billing process.




The Invoice Status will indicated EXCLUDED.  After excluding a job ticket, the Exclude button changes to an Include button.  Pushing the Include button will put the job ticket back in the billing cycle.



Deleting The Job Ticket



When a job ticket is entered on the wrong job, it needs to be deleted and reentered.  There is no way to reassign a job ticket to another job.  You can only delete a job ticket if the ticket has not been invoiced.  If invoiced, you will need to first delete the invoice, then you can delete the job ticket.



Generating The Invoice


Invoices are generated through the Generate Invoices screen found under the billing option.  When selected, DSM will show all the jobs orders which have not been invoiced.  By default the oldest job is shown at the top.

Invoices are generated from the Generate Invoice.  All unbilled jobs are listed.



There are several options to show which jobs appear on this screen.


·         Don’t Show Jobs After – Jobs after this date will not appear.  Typically it is useless to have jobs clutter the screen which are being one today or scheduled for tomorrow.  The default for this date is 3 days from the present date.  The default can be changed under System Configuration to accommodate your company’s typical billing cycle.



Options – These options allow you to apply addition filters to the list.



·         Customer list allows you to filter by a single customer.

·         Show can set the filter to only show Single Day jobs or Multi-day jobs.

·         Status allows you to filter by billing status.  For example you can filter by only jobs with problems.

·         Operator allows you to filter on jobs by a single operator.

·         Salesman allows you to filter on jobs by a single salesman.


Any combination of filter items can be used.


·         Jump To – This option displays a prompt for the DSM order number.  By typing in the Order #, the focus will go directly to that line item.


·         Order By – This option allows you to sort the list differently.  Several options are available.


The Generator Invoice screen is designed such that you can choose to enter job tickets directly from this screen.  Existing DSM customers may find it easier to enter job tickets from the display job orders screen.  Either place is appropriate.  However you are likely to find it easier to bill multi-day jobs directly from the billing screen.  PeakSoftware recommends that multi-day jobs be processed from this screen.


To enter or edit a job ticket.  Highlight the job order and press enter.  This is equivalent to clicking on the Job Ticket button.  Single day jobs will go directly into job ticket entry.  Multi-day jobs will go to another screen which lists all the jobs in that billing group.


Options to manipulate a job order.


·         See Order – This button will launch the order enter screen for the highlighted job.

·         See Job Ticket – This button will launch the job ticket entry screen for entering new job tickets or editing existing ones.  It accomplishes the exact same thing as entering a job ticket from the Display Job Orders Screen or Timecard Editing Screen.

·         Master Ticket – This button will launch the Reorganize Master Tickets screen which allows you to create, modify or delete billing groups.

·         Incomplete Details – This button will show a complete description of why a job is not   ready to bill.

·         Exclude – This button will mark a job order and any associated job tickets as excluded from billing.

·         Attach To Existing Order – This option allows you to assign this job order and ticket to an invoice which has already been billed. This option is used when a job order was mistakenly not included in the original order.  It is also appropriate for use on the job order used if an unexpected follow-up visit is required after billing.  See Special Situations for more detail.

·         Print List – This button prints the current list.  The list will be filtered just as it appears.

·         Billing Status – This display only field shows the billing status of the job.  See the Reasons Why A Job Won’t Bill Below for more details.

·         Billing Notes – These are notes (shared with the order confidential notes) which a billing clerk can indicate the holdup with a job order.  These notes are included on the report if you click on the Print List button.


Multi-Day Job Billing Screen


This screen shows all jobs to be billed together as one invoice.  It makes it easy to complete multi-day jobs.

Multi-day jobs will appear only once in the list and show the oldest date in the billing group as the job date.  By double clicking on the job, the following screen will appear.

This shows all job orders included in the billing group.  It has buttons of exactly the same functionality of the screen before.  Essentially it filters the job list so that you can easily concentrate on this billing group.


The Add/Remove Jobs button brings up the Reorganize Master Tickets screen which facilitates altering billing groups.  For a multi-day job to bill, each individual job order must have a job ticket and be marked as closed.  At least one of those jobs must have billable line items.


 Reasons Why A Job Won’t Bill


Job Not Marked As Closed – Before billing can occur, the original order must be closed.  This will be indicated as an asterisk (*) on the display job orders screen.


Must Have Job Tickets – Each job order must have a job ticket associated with it.  If there is no job ticket, it should be excluded.


Must Have Line Items – In the case of a single day job, the job must have at least on line item.  In the case of a multi-day job, at least one job must have a line item.  Other job tickets in the billing group may be time only.


Not All Job Orders Are Valid – In a multi-day job, every job order included in the group must be valid according to the rules above.   A classic problem is where the billing group includes jobs in which the paperwork has not been turned in yet.  In this case these jobs should be broken into a separate billing group which will allow the completed jobs to generate and invoice.


Prior versions of DSM allowed you to override billing problems and generate an invoice the best it could.  DSM not requires that each job be valid for before invoicing can occur.  Fortunately the tools available to resolve billing problems make it very easy.



Options To Generate An Invoice


When jobs are ready to bill, the billing screen will show an asterisk in the left status column.  This indicates that the job is ready to bill.


Highlighted – This button will generate an invoice for only the highlighted job.

All Ready – This button will generate invoices for all jobs which are ready.


In both cases the following screen will appear.

The Highlighted or All Ready buttons will tell DSM you are ready to generate invoices.  DSM prompts you for final billing instructions.




·         Invoice Date – This is the date to put on the invoice.  It will be the same for all invoices generated.

·         # Of Invoices To Generate – This display only field indicates how many invoices will be generated.

·         Starting Invoice # - This is the starting invoice number.  Note that is can only be entered if you are generating just for the highlighted invoice.  In the case of all ready, multiple invoice numbers would be needed.  This option is extremely useful if you are regenerated a previously generated invoices which was incorrect.  Using this option you can recreate the incorrect invoice with the same number without losing an invoice in your sequence.   Note that the number entered must be unique.  Normally invoices are numbered one after another.

·         Preview Invoice To Screen – This option allows you to preview the invoice to screen.  You can even print them from the preview screen.  However the invoice is not generated and no invoice numbers in your billing sequence are used.


Pressing OK generates the invoices.  DSM will ask you if you wish to print them.  If you chose not to print them, the invoices are still generated and you will need to print them later using the reprint invoice option.



Invoicing Options


Individual Invoices


Some clients find it more convenient to have DSM invoice each job after the job ticket is entered.  This can be done by turning on the Individual Invoices option on the System Configuration / Job Tickets screen.


When completing each job ticket, DSM will prompt you to invoice the job.  If there is a problem with the job DSM will not generate the invoice but prompt you with the reason the job could not be billed.


Even with this option turned on, you will need to visit the Generate Invoices screen periodically to check for problem jobs.  In addition, multi-day jobs can be processed much easier from this screen.


Entering The Invoice #’s


Some DSM clients have the need to enter an invoice # for each invoice generated.  This is a very unusual situation and should not be turned on unless you first contact Peak Software.   If turned on, a prompt is given for each invoice generated and a user must enter the invoice number.  Any number can be entered but in all cases, DSM validates that the invoice number is unique.




Manual Invoices


There are times when you will need to generate an invoice which is not directly associated with a job order.  DSM’s manual invoice is the mechanism to do this.  A classic example is blade sales.


All manual invoices are generated from the financial history screen for that customer.  (Action Tab / Financial History).  You then need to choose the Create Invoice button.  DSM will ask you what type of invoice you would like to create.  You can create invoices from Job Tickets which is the same as the normal Generate Invoice option except that it is filter by that customer or choose manual invoice.  In this case choose manual invoice.

Manual Invoices are created from the financial history screen.




The manual invoice entry screen will appear.

Manual Invoices are invoices not linked to a job order or ticket.




The following items may be entered.


·         Invoice Date – Date of the invoice.

·         Type Of Invoice – Type of invoice.  Choices are: Normal Invoice, Credit Memo, Finance Charge.

·         Site # - Job Site # from the job site table.  You can link a manual invoice to a job site but if work is associated, the job should be invoiced as a multi-day job through the regular billing screen.

·         Job Site Info – The Job Name, Address, etc. will show up in the Job Site area of the invoice.  Entry of this information is optional.

·         PO # - Purchase Order # (optional)

·         Job Request # - Customer’s Job Request Number (optional)

·         Salesman - Salesman

·         County - County

·         Territory - Territory


Pressing the New button brings up the line item entry screen.

Entry of line items for manual invoices is similar to Job Ticket line item entry.




Entry of the line item is similar to the Job Ticket entry screen.  You entry the quantity, a valid product code and the each price.  DSM will calculate the extended price.  If tax should be charged on the item, you will need to make sure the Item Is Taxable checkbox is checked.


Multiple line items can be entered by pressing the new button again. Editing existing items can be done by highlighting the item and pressing the modify button.


If the invoice is to show sales tax, the Job Is Taxable Using Rate checkbox must be checked and the appropriate tax rate selected.  These tax rates are defined in Table Maintenance / Sales Tax Rates.  Only line items where Item Is Taxable is checked will be charged tax.


Notes which go on the invoice can be entered in the notes section.  Pressing the OK button will generate the invoice.  DSM will prompt you for the invoice number.  Once generated the line items for this invoice cannot be edited.  The only way to fix a manual invoice is to delete the invoice and recreate it.



Special Situations - Invoicing


Fixing An Invoice


Once generated in DSM, the invoice amounts cannot be edited.  If an invoice is generated and upon review, it is incorrect, the only way to fix it is to delete it.


Invoices are deleted from the Invoice Detail screen off the Financial History screen.

To delete the job, highlight the invoice on the Financial History screen and double click on it.  The invoice will now show on the Invoice Details screen.  Click on the Delete Invoice button.

The invoice will be removed.  In the case of manual invoices, the entire invoice is removed including the line items.  In the case of invoices generated through job tickets, the job tickets are not deleted nor are the line items in the job tickets.  These line items are now editable however because the invoice status has been removed.


After fixing the invoice, you can regenerate the invoice and apply the same invoice number by entering that invoice number as the starting invoice # (you need to generate the invoice using the Highlighted button on the Generate Invoices screen)  This will preserve the invoice number in your invoice sequence.



Assigning A Job Order To A Group With Has Already Been Billed


From time to time job orders may appear in the Generate Invoices screen in which the billing group had already been billed.  A classic example is a follow-up job order where a problem was corrected which will not be billed for.


In this case you want to attach the job order and associated job ticket with an invoice which has already been billed.  This is possible if the job order does not have any line items (billable items) associated with it.


In this case you highlight the job on the Generate Invoices screen and press the Attach To Existing Invoice button.

Job Orders belonging  to billing groups which have already been billed can be done through this utility



Select the invoice the job should be attached to.  DSM will then link this job to the billing group. 


If there was a lump sum billing (line items on only one job ticket), DSM will ask you if you want to remove the old back distribute and create a new one.  If so DSM will bring up the back distribute screen and allow you to create a new back distribution.  Note that if you say yes, the old back distribution is removed.  If you then cancel from the new back distribution, the result is that no back distribution is in place.


If you are confused or later want to review the distribution of revenue from an invoice, go to the Financial History screen and double click on the invoice.  From the Invoice Details screen, you can see the job orders / tickets that produced the invoice.  If you click on the job ticket you will see the back distribution information.  You will need to edit the default ticket (one with an asterisk on it) if want to edit the back distribution credits.  Credits must be edited through the ticket that created them which is the ticket with the billable items.


If the invoice was a time and material ticket (where each job ticket shows it’s own revenue), you will want to apply the revenue manually via the Invoice Details screen.  Or in many cases, just leave that ticket with no revenue credits.


Without the use of this utility, you would need to delete the invoice, add the job order to the billing group, and then regenerate the invoice with the same invoice number.



Credit Memos


In DSM, credit memos are simply manual invoices where the type is Credit Memo.  In this case the price on the line item is entered as a negative number.  The result is that the customer receives an invoice with a credit balance.  Later you can use the Transfer option to apply that credit to a normal invoice.