DSM Instructional – Working with
Custom Reports
These instructions cover working with custom reports in DSM.
Found in nearly every single report in DSM is the
ability to customize the report to your liking.
This is a highly useful tool in DSM.
In this example, we’ll use a report call the Job Scheduling
Worksheet. It is found under Reports
> Dispatcher Reports > Job Scheduling worksheet. It is seen below:
For now, let’s run the report in the default configuration
so we have a starting point. Click
REPORT. You will see the following:
This is the default report found in DSM.
Close the report and let’s go back to the prior screen.
Here, we will add a custom report. Put the DOT next to CUSTOM and click the ADD
button. You will see the following
The first thing you will do it give it a name, then choose a
format in the drop down list below it.
With those items in place, click the “Report Layout” tab, you will see
the following:
Simply double click the fields on the left you wish to add
to the report then hit ok. Alternately,
if you wish to reorder your selections, you can CLICK the gray boxes and drag
them to reorder as shown here:
Once you have your desired columns, click Ok. You will now see the prior screen with your report
Clicking report now will show you your customized report as
shown below:
As mentioned before, this functionality is throughout DSM in
nearly every report.