QuickBooks Initial Data Load
For new customers with empty DSM database
files, use this option to preconfigure DSM with your customers, billable items,
tax codes, terms and even balances.
Additional Resources:
Setup and Configuration
Invoice Transfer
Accounts Receivable Sync
document will cover:
ü Quickbooks
Initial Data Load
o Load
o Load
Tax Codes
o Import
Line Items
o Load
o Load
Outstanding Invoices
QuickBooks Initial Data
Select the option from File> Utilities>Quickbooks
Load Initial Data.
Terms are the payment terms you offer
customers. The statistics on the screen
simply indicate the number of items linked to existing QB codes and the number
of defined codes in DSM which are not linked.
Not every QuickBooks code needs to be linked but all DSM codes which
will be used in QuickBooks transactions must be Linked. If they are not done here, you will be
prompted to link them before you can transfer an invoice that references them.
Import - Controls whether this QB Term is brought
over. Uncheck any terms in QB you will
not be using in DSM.
QB Terms – The payment terms as it reads in QuickBooks,
Read Only
DSM Code - Code in that will be created if the <New, No Mapping> option is selected
and the QuickBooks Term is imported.
Map To Existing DSM Terms – If an option in DSM already exists,
select the existing DSM Term code rather than creating a duplicate.
Tax Codes
Tax codes are complex. If you are using QuickBooks Online in the US,
simply take the defaults. Otherwise it
is recommended you import any tax code displayed that you use in QuickBooks. Non US companies should have several
options. If nothing appears here, you
likely have not setup your QuickBooks program to charge tax. See the QuickBooks documentation for how to
enable tax in QuickBooks.
Import - Controls whether this QB Tax Code brought
over. Import all tax codes you currently
use in QuickBooks
QB Sales Tax Item – This is the code form QuickBooks and is
read only. The same code will be used if
imported into DSM.
Map To Existing DSM Tax Code – If there is an existing tax code in
DSM, select the existing DSM Tax Code rather than creating a duplicate. In most cases all will be new.
Import Line
Line Items are the billable items you specify
when creating a Job Ticket which then becomes and invoice. You will want to import all line items you
actively use in QuickBooks and any which may be referenced in Invoices you wish
to load.
The DSM Codes are the codes you will be
selecting in DSM so give careful though to make them easy to remember and
Import - Controls whether this QB Item brought
over. Uncheck any terms in QB you will
not be using in DSM. Check any item
which may be referenced in open invoices you wish to import.
QB Item – The item description as it reads in QuickBooks,
Read Only
DSM Code - Code in that will be created if the <New, No Mapping> option is select
and the Quickbooks Term is imported.
Map to Existing DSM Item – If an option in DSM already exists,
select the existing DSM Item code rather than creating a duplicate.
Load Customers
This option loads all the active customers
from QuickBooks to DSM. There is no
duplicate checking with Customer Names so if an item is marked to be imported a
duplicate will be added. There is no
easy way to consistently prevent duplicates.
However, when used on an empty database, simply take the default and import
all customers. This process can take several minutes.
Import – Controls whether a customer is
Outstanding Invoices
Selecting this option will load all open QuickBooks
Invoices. If those invoices are
partially paid, the invoice amount will typically be reduced. Some payment types such as Credit Memo’s will
not be applied by this utility. If using
this option, we recommend then going to the QB AR Sync utility to verify
balances. Selecting Get Payments from QuickBooks on the AR
Sync utility should pick up any open credit memos.
In many situations, this will bring the
balances of the two systems in sync and will allow DSM’s aging customer
warnings to work properly when taking orders for customers with overdue