QuickBooks Accounts Receivable Sync


The QuickBooks Accounts Receivable (AR) Sync compares QuickBooks’s aging report to DSM’s aging Report.  It has options to retrieve payment information from QuickBooks and post to DSM to avoid double entry.

Additional Resources:

QuickBooks Set up and Configuration

QuickBooks Initial Data Load

QuickBooks Invoice Transfer



This document will cover:

ü QuickBooks AR Sync

ü Pitfalls and Best Practices


QuickBooks AR Sync

Bringing the balances in Sync even if not perfect is useful as it provides the data for DSM’s automatic warnings when entering jobs for badly overdue customers.  In addition, if you allow it in DSM, it gives your dispatch or admin staff information about receivables without granting access to QuickBooks.


Some QuickBooks transactions are too complicated or incompatible with the way DSM’s AR processing works.  In particular DSM does not allow undistributed payments.  In DSM those payments are represented as credit memos.  That said, most common transactions work flawlessly.


If your goal is to have an exact number match, there are times where you simply will need to make the entry in DSM.  Once the item is paid off or consumed, it will disappear from this screen.


You can find this utility from Billing> QuickBooks>QB AR Sync.

Description of the Grid Columns

QB – Indictor that item exists in QuickBooks

DSM – Indicator that item exists in DSM

Customer – Customer Name

Date – Date of Transaction

Type – Type of Transaction

Ref # - Invoice # or Credit Memo #

Amount – Amount of item

Due in QB – Amount Due according to QuickBooks aging report.

Due in DSM – Amount Due in DSM according to DSM’s aging Report

Difference – Different Between QB and DSM

Action – What DSM recommends we do to resolve.

Green colors in the grid indicate that the totals match, black text indicates a difference.



Only Show Differences – When checked (default), the list only shows the contents of the items that don’t match.  When unchecked everything outstanding is shown.

Exclude DSM Invoices Not Transferred – When checked (default), invoices which have not been sent to QuickBooks are not included in DSM’s balances.  Typically, you do not want to see invoices that QuickBooks does not know about yet.  However, by unchecking this, the total Due in DSM column will tie to the normal DSM Aging Report which is helpful in troubleshooting problem invoices.



Get Payments From QuickBooks – This option Queries QuickBooks for any possible payment information and posts it to DSM.  This option should ALWAYS be run first to reconcile balances.

Add Missing Invoice From QB To DSM – If an invoice has been added to QuickBooks but was never in DSM, you can highlight that item in the list and press this button.  DSM will then read QuickBooks for the detail and add the invoice to DSM as a manual invoice.

Print – Prints the contents of the grid data.

Add DSM Payments To Make It MatchThis options adds generic payments to DSM and makes them match QuickBooks.  The payments are not informative like the [Get Payments From QuickBooks] button but it can help resolve a very messy balance case.  Consult with Peak Software and have a back a backup taken before using this option.

Refresh – Refreshes all the Grid Data similar to exiting and entering the screen.


Pitfalls and Best Practices



The following practices should be avoided

·       Changing an invoice amount in Quickbooks and not changing it in DSM.  This will cause DSM to fail to post payments to the invoice from Quickbooks via the [Get Payments From QuickBooks] button.

·       Using characters for the invoice # for Credit Memo’s in Quickbooks.  DSM is limited to integer CM #’s.  So if a credit memo is CR101 it will not load into DSM.  Try a different number scheme like 20101 for a credit memo.

Best Practices

·       Apply Funds in Quickbooks as much as possible.  If a customer overpays, send them a refund and clear your books.  Otherwise over time these become messy.

·       Apply credit memos to handle discounts on invoices for Bad Debt or Cash Discounts.  Credit Memo’s will transfer to DSM with their application to the invoice.

·       Do not edit the invoice in QuickBooks if the total is wrong.  Follow the process for deleting invoices and keep your systems in sync.