Editing Invoices In DSM
Due to an overwhelming request from users, DSM
now allows you to edit invoice amounts without deleting them first. General accounting practices frown on this
practice for auditability but depending how you book sales,
it may be acceptable at your company.
Fortunately, you can now choose. It’s a feature in DSM that has to be turned
on to use so if you want to stay the status quo, you have nothing to do. Where this feature is incredibly useful is
adding or removing sales tax, or adding a forgotten item or simply editing a
price right after you’ve generated the invoice.
This document will cover:
ü Enabling the Feature
ü Editing
Enabling the Feature
To turn it on simply to File>Administration> Company
Configuration and then the ‘Billing’
tab. Check the box titled: Allow Administrators
Editing Invoices
To actually edit an invoice, you need to Edit
the Job Ticket(s) of the invoice.
Usually it’s easiest to find the invoice from the customer’s account
screen, click on the invoice to see the detail and edit the job ticket from
First notice the up / down arrows. This will allow you to reorder line items on
the fly. Because this feature does not
change the financial record, it is available to all without enabling edit

Editing is as simple as adding a line item,
changing or deleting one using the buttons below. You will be warned that the invoice has
already been generated. When you click
on [OK] to save the job ticket, it
will update the invoice total and then you can print or email it as
There are certain situations where editing an
invoice is not allowed.
If payments are already applied.
If the transaction is protected by
the transaction lock feature in DSM.
If the invoice has a revenue back
distribution against it (it would have to be removed first).
You do not have administrative
access as a user.
The feature has not been enabled (disabled by default)
However most customers will find
it works more often than not.