DSM Mobile Structured Entry of Field Data

DSM mobile is the field tool used by operators to record their job ticket data, including the work they do.  Starting in Nov of 2023, you can now define and specify the fields workers are required to complete relative to the work item entered.  This structured entry format will make it easier for workers to relay important details of the work completed. The default item entry will present your worker with a quantity and free text description field analogous to a typical paper job ticket, however you now have the option to define, and require more information fields.

This document will cover:

ü Defining DSM Mobile Entry Screens

ü Adding/Editing an Entry Item

ü Viewing Raw Data from the Job Ticket Screen



Defining DSM Mobile Entry Screens

To help with the definition, we have provided starting templates for Core Drilling, Slab Sawing and Wall Sawing that you can select from to get started.  The example below is a structured entry based on the core drilling template.   Each item code can have its own template.

To begin defining your templates, navigate to File / Maintain Tables / Financial / Invoice Items. Highlight the item you want to define an entry template for, then click [Edit].

On the item screen select [DSM Mobile Entry Template].

Next, you will define the items you want to collect.  A preview of the entry screen your operators will see is on the right.  We suggest selecting an existing template such as the Core Drilling template as a base to begin. Once you’ve selected your template, the following will appear.

Template:  Presents a list of available templates to get started.  Once selected you can remove fields that don’t apply to you and add new ones.  Making changes to the fields in this screen will only affect the current invoice item code and not other item codes that use the same template.  If you want the same group of fields to apply to multiple line items, you must define each separately.

Add/Edit/Delete:  Adds, edits or removes a template item.  See below

Preview:  Refreshes the preview panel

Move Up/Down:  Moves an Entry Item up or down in the list.  Note that changes will appear in the preview panel after a short refresh period.

Line Item Merge Expression:  Entry from the field ultimately needs to end up as the description of a line item on a job ticket.  This is the end goal.  The merge expression takes the answers the operator enters in the field and puts them in the bracketed entry << >> representing the Merge Name of that item.  The Merge Name should be formatted in all caps without any spaces.

Test:         The test button allows you to see your merge text.  You can enter test data into the preview pane to see realistic results.

Format Merge:  The characters injected the << >> expression will be formatted according to the following setting.  Upper Case, Lower Case or Proper (just the first letter is capitalized).  Any normal text in you merge expression will be inserted exactly as entered.

Default Template:  Returns the Merge Expression to the default for the template.

OK:  OK saves the template.  Note that upon saving, changes will be reflected in DSM Mobile immediately.  Because of this, you may want to create a test Item Code while testing.


Add / Editing an Entry Item

The Entry Item has a number of definable properties which affect its behavior.

Input Description:  This is what the operator will see on the entry page above the field for entry.

Merge Name: This is the internal name you use to reference the entry item in a merge expression.  Each entry item must have a unique merge name and should not have any spaces.

Max Columns In DSM Mobile: To maximize space, you may be able to put up to 3 columns across depending on your data.  Fields such as notes would always want their own line.  If you wanted every field to be on a separate line you would select 1.  Your options are 1, 2 or 3.  The preview helps you see if your configuration gives you the desired results.

Type:      Type of data you’re trying to collect.  Supported formats are Number, Drop-Down List, Yes or No or Notes.  Depending on the type you select, different options will appear. 

Yes/No: In the case of Yes/No, you must enter the merge text you would want to insert for the option selected. If no text is entered, selecting that option will not add any information to the line item.  Sometimes it’s helpful to only specify text on one of the options.  For example, Yes may indicate “With Extra Helper” and No should insert nothing.

Required:  When selected the operator will be required to enter information for that field before allowing them to save their work items.  You can press the submit button on the preview panel to see how that works.

Advanced: This setting tells DSM to insert the entry item data into a DSM Field.  Currently there are three options, QUANTITY (quantity on the line item), LENGTH, DEPTH.  The later two are recommended for Length and Depth for flat sawing work.  While not implemented at this time, the concept is to be able to calculate the total Inch-Feet of all flat sawing done at some point in the future.  The template defaults these for you.


Viewing Raw Data from The Job Ticket Screen

When entering a job ticket and editing the line item, you can view the raw data entered by pressing the [See DSM Mobile Entry] button.

The raw data will be shown as follows