Employee Certifications and Jobsite Restrictions


This document will cover:

ü Defining Reminder and Certification Categories

ü Adding a Certification to a User

ü Updating Certifications for Multiple Employees using the Mass Certification Tool

ü Adding Certifications to Jobsites

ü Emailing Certifications from a Jobsite

ü Assigning Workers on a Restricted Jobsite

ü Reporting



Employee Certifications is a reminder functionality which allows a company to track employee certifications.  It is possible to define the certifications you want to track, the users who have them and the active and expiration dates.  Optionally you can also attach documents to the certificates as evidence of compliance.

In addition, you can set jobsite restrictions to limit who can be assigned to the job based on their active certifications.


Defining Reminder and Certification Categories

To see the reminder and certification categories, navigate in DSM to File > Maintain Tables > General > Reminder/Certification Categories.

The reminder functionality includes reminders for Trucks and Equipment as well as Users. Select Users in the ‘Show For’ drop-down box, then click [Add] to proceed to the Add/Edit Reminder Category – Users screen.  

Description: The name of the certification

Screen Label: When entering and reporting on this certification, there is a custom field for each reminder.  This is the identifier field and a screen label for the field.  Examples might include “License #”, “Cert #”, or “Class Number”.  The description and screen label entries are displayed at data entry and in reporting.

Default Months: If a value is entered, the expiration date will be automatically advanced to the number of months specified.  If zero is entered, this feature is disabled.  Even if the system defaults the value, you can still override the corresponding expiration date.

Reminder Prompts: The reminder prompt controls whether and when DSM reminds us that the certification is expired or expiring.

Send Reminder Warnings To: Reminder prompts can be targeted at specific users or lumped together as SYSTEM.  On the reminders screen, a person is assigned to receive the SYSTEM prompt.  If no user is defined, all administrators are automatically selected.

Always Show This Category: When checked, the user shows this category whether the user has specifically been assigned this category or not.  This is the default.  If your company has union workers, you might want to uncheck this category so it only shows up for users it applies to.


Adding a Certification to a User

Once you have created a reminder category or certification, you can associate it with an employee. To add a new certification to a single employee, navigate to File > Administration > User Administration.  Choose the correct user and click [Edit].

Select the ‘Other’ tab. If, in the category definition, the button for Always Show This Category was checked for the certification you wish to add, then that category should already appear in the Certifications, Permits, etc. area, and you can add certification details by selecting the [Details] button next to that item. If the Always Show This Category button was not checked for the certification you wish to add, you will need to click the [ADD] button, and select the certification from the Reminder For: drop down list. 

Active On: Date Certification began

Expires On: Date Certification expires

Screen Label: This is your user defined field for the reminder, which was specified when defining the reminder category.  Examples: License #, Class #, or in this example HSC.

Notes: Notes specific to this reminder

Turn Off Prompts On This Reminder: If this box is checked, DSM will not send reminder prompts around the expiration of this certification.

Don’t Prompt Again Until ______: If this is filled in, DSM will defer reminder prompts on this reminder until the specified date.

Documents: Attach physical documents to the reminder for proof of compliance. These documents can be emailed from the jobsite screen.


Updating Certifications for Multiple Employees Using the Mass Certification Tool

The mass certification update utility is handy when you have a course that many employees attend, and you need to update certifications for all of them.  In addition, you may receive one document indicating all of the employees that attended and their results.   Using this utility, you can update the certification dates and documents for multiple employees in one fell swoop. Navigate in DSM to File > Administration > User Administration and select the [Mass Certification Update Utility] button to proceed to the Certification Mass Update screen.

Select the certification you wish to update from the Reminder For drop-down list.

1.    Simply enter the correct dates

2.    Optionally add any documents that apply

3.    Check the users you wish to update

4.    Press the “Update Selected Users” button.

The following prompt will appear.

If you click Yes, DSM will remove any old documents/certifications in the group and replace them with the new document. This is helpful in ensuring that your employee files don’t get cluttered with expired documents. Typically, you’d only want the most current, however clicking [No] will tell DSM to keep everything.  Emailing certification documents from the Jobsite screen will send all documents, and will not differentiate between current and old. If you choose to keep everything, keep in mind that expired documents will be sent along with the current ones from that screen.

Once complete, you can see documents for each employee under File > Administration > User Administration and under the employee’s Documents tab.


Assigning Certifications to Jobsites

You can restrict the personnel who can be assigned to a job by specifying either the certifications necessary, only employees who are authorized to work, or both.  Selecting authorized workers will restrict the list to just those users, however, DSM also evaluates certifications, if specified, and will remove them from the selectable list if their certification expires.

To add restrictions based on certifications, navigate to File > Maintain Tables > Jobsites > Jobsite Table.  Find your jobsite and double-click to edit.  Select the Restrictions tab, then click [Add] under the Certification Required for This Job section.

Select from the list of available certifications and click [OK].

If you wish to have only certain users appear as assignable, click [Add] under Specific List of Workers That Can Be Assigned and the qualified list of workers will appear.


Emailing Certifications from a Jobsite

To email certifications from a jobsite, navigate to File > Maintain Tables > Jobsites > Jobsite Table.  Find your jobsite and double-click to edit. From the Restrictions tab, you can have DSM collect all the certifications for operators and include them as attachments in an email.


Click the [Email Certifications] button, then you will be prompted to choose whether to include all workers. Selecting [No] on this decision screen will mean that only the certifications for the highlighted employee will be attached to your email. Once you have made your selection, DSM will generate an email draft with all the certification documents for the selected workers attached.

The example below shows how this email draft would appear if your system was configured to use Microsoft Outlook.

The example below shows how this email would appear if your system was configured to use DSM’s internal email.


Assigning Workers on a Restricted Jobsite

To assign workers, navigate to the Assign Worker For: screen just as you would to assign workers on a non-restricted jobsite.  If the jobsite has associated restrictions, only the people assigned to the job or those who have the proper certifications will be shown. 

If the jobsite has restrictions associated with it, the [See Jobsite Restrictions] button will be enabled. This button will allow you quickly to see the jobsite restrictions tab and demystify any missing operators.  The Ignore restrictions checkbox allows you to temporarily disable this feature, however, upon saving the job, a prompt will appear in notification of workers who don’t meet the restrictions.  Selected workers who don’t meet the requirements also appear in red in the lists.



Reporting for Employee Certifications can be found under Reports > Table Reports > User List. From the User List screen, you can create a custom report to show all of the employees with certifications.

Choose ‘Custom’ at the bottom right, then [Add] or [Modify] and existing custom report.  In the report layout tab, the certifications are found at the bottom of the list.  Double clicking them will add them to the layout on the right.

Once you’ve selected the fields you wish to have shown, click [OK] to run the report.